A stroke happens when the circulation of blood and oxygen get disrupted to tbe brain due to a blockage or a blood clot in the arteries. The brain cells start to die and if there is no immediate medical attention, it might lead to death or a long-term damage. Some of the symptoms of stroke will not last longer. A mini-stroke is known as transient ischaemic attack (TIA) which happens due to a temporary shortage of the blood supply for the brain. Thee are seven classic symptoms of a mini-stroke. They are:
- Face drooping on one side
- Being unable to smile
- Being unable to lift either or both arms
- Inability to speak properly
- Numbness
- Slurred speech
- Garbled speech
The other signs of TIA are:
- Loss of coordination
- Vision loss
- Changes in sensations in arms or legs
- Lack of awareness of body parts
A mini-stroke is a sign of alertness and it should be treated at the right time. Here are the reasons for mini-stroke:
- Smoking tobacco
- High cholesterol
- Excess intake of saturated and trans fats.
It is advised to eat high-fibre foods and cut down excessive fats. It is always advised to reduce the usage of cholestrol. Eat more fruits, cereal and oatmeals on a regular basis.